Denim has a bad rep, as its “dirtiness” relative to products from other cotton apparel sectors has been studied and its impacts substantiated to a greater degree. From fibre cultivation, to spinning and weaving and from garment construction to finishing, consumers have a baseline, and the denim makers and brands are taking note, with vast improvements as well as public statements (e.g., Levi’s Life Cycle Assessment) that far outweigh any statements made by the anonymous polyester yoga pants makers.
In the case of King & Tuckfield, denim formed the brand’s identity from inception, not only because it is directly connected to Stacey’s family history (her dad worked at the Yorkshire mines where denim was the “uniform”), but also due to its toughness, longevity and changing nature wear after wear. It’s been said that “...the most sustainable garment is the one you already have in your wardrobe” and our denim is here to stay in that wardrobe.
As for its provenance and supply chain, our fabric is sourced from a small Italian mill that works hand in hand with local independent weavers, resulting in a tight-knit community of people who believe the older way of making fabrics is better.